Whole Wheat, Instant yeast, Sunflower seed, Dried fruits, Malted wheat flakes, Flour, Grape seed flour, Vital wheat
gluten & Salt
Instant yeast, Sunflower seed, Dried fruits, Malted wheat flakes, Whole Wheat, Flour, Vital wheat gluten & Salt, Grape
seed flour
Grape seed flour, Instant yeast, Sunflower seed, Dried fruits, Malted wheat flakes, Whole Wheat, Flour, Vital wheat
gluten & Salt
The only people for me are the mad ones,
desirous of everything.
Oat cake cotton candy wafer. Croissant gummi bears sesame snaps. Tartmarshmallow brownie jelly-o. Cookie I love fruitcake pie sweet roll. Chocolate chocolate muffin tart pudding chocolate cake. Pudding cotton candy bear claw jelly cake wafer chocolate cake sesame snaps croissant.